and presenter

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Katie has had the pleasure of speaking in front of thousands of students. Her in-school talks, presentations and workshops deliver profound messages that educate and inspire young minds.

Why a talk?

A live event has the ability to make a profound impact on your school and students.

  • Establish connectedness
  • Foster inclusion and togetherness
  • Generate excitement
  • Boost student engagement
  • Teach and educate in a way that can be easily retained
  • Inspire and motivate positive action

Presentations catered to you

I offer impactful and engaging school talks on bullying, mental health, resilience and resourcefulness for students of all ages. I also gives writing workshops on a whole host of topics.

There are ready-to-go school talks on bullying and mental health that I have given several times, and that have been very well received by staff and students. Alternatively, I am happy to write, design and deliver a fully custom school talk or workshop that reflects the needs of your institution and student body.

Visual and engaging

I use a loud, friendly and energetic voice in my presentations. And that really comes from the passion I have for speaking in front of kids! I also enjoy bringing extra life to the talks I do with visual and interactive elements. PowerPoint decks give students something visual to accompany the words I’m saying, which boosts engagement and interest.

I often incorporate a three-dimensional prop in order to provide a visual aid for a particular metaphor or concept. When students have a physical object to associate with the messaging delivered, it’s more likely to resonate and be remembered.

Getting students involved

I have certain exercises that I pull from my workbook and other resources to interact with the audience. This lets students DO something while they’re with me, as opposed to merely sitting and listening. It creates a more memorable experience and also helps to combat the mid-presentation restlessness so kids stay as engaged as possible until the end.

I would love to talk to you about your school and student body so we can come up with a solution to benefit everyone.